Sunday, August 23, 2009


Just an Scarecrow i did for Fun!


Solo un Espantapájaros que hice para divertirme!

A bit of Humor for a Change...

Hi! This is an illustration i did as a gift to my Editor, Randy Stradley!
I wanted to share the process with you!


Hola! Esta es una ilustración que le hice de regalo a mi editor, Randy Stradley!
Quería compartir el proceso con ustedes!

Secrets of a Cover!

This is a little secret of the cover of Sar Wars Legacy 32,
this image was hidden by the main characters fighting at front.
I just thought it was a beautiful composition to share
with you, and this is the only place you can find it.
I hope you like it!
Este es un pequeño secreto de la portada de Star Wars Legacy 32,
esta imagen estaba un poco escondida por los personajes peleando al frente.
Solo pensé que era una linda composición para compartir con ustedes.
Además este es el único lugar en donde la pueden encontrar.
Espero que les guste!


Underwater Test-02

Underwater Test-01

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Before i post some BW Pages, i will give you some designs
and stuff i know you were looking for...
I hope you like it!


Antes de Postear algunas Página Blanco y Negro, les dejo acá algunos
diseños y otras cosas que se que estaban buscando...
Espero que les guste!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

STAR WARS - LEGACY 33 - More Designs!

Hola! Acá les dejo más diseños y modelos 3D que hice para este arco de 2 nros. Espero que les guste!


Hello! here are more designs and 3D Models i've done for this arc. I hope you enjoy these!


Vul Isen

This is the previous design for the leviathan, that was before i knew there was a "leviathan" in the Star Wars History, which i used as a base to develope a more accurate design...

This is not exactly the Final design, but it s a more like it SW Leviathan then the first one....

This is the definitive Water Leviathan design, i did this 3D model based on the picture above, i add and take out a couple things, but this is what i wanted! Also, This 3D model can be posed very well! He has some skeleton to articulate his Head, Mouth , Fins, Tail, & Torso. I didn't work too much on the textures, because this was going to be use for only one illustration, where i wanted to add the texture, but painting over layaers, thinking more on the composition, and not too much in a realistic living creature...

Water Leviathan, Color Tests!

AT AT Swimmer, a simple design, but very poseable as well!


Estas son algunas páginas de Star Wars Legacy, número 32 "Fight Another Day - parte 1",
estoy muy contento de poder compartirlas con ustedes! Espero que les guste!


These are some pages from Star Wars Legacy, Issue #32 "Fight Another Day - part 1",
I'm very happy to share them with you! I hope you like it!